/ * mess.txt v1.2(β) by K.Meyer. Released date : 12/27/2001. * /
/ * 이 파일을 KOR폴더의 이전 버전의 mess.txt에 덮어씌우시면 됩니다. * /

"Internal error" 	
"Please you install first the program" 		
"Please they call the Setup on" 			
"BA QUI:  %d of %d." 	
"They left the distance." 	
"Please you start the play again."  
"119 MONEY PRICE $%d" 	
"GI RUM MONEY $%d" 		
"DON UP DA" 		
"Please insert the ' King OF The Road ' CD" 		
"Main menu" 		
"Driver %-8s" 		
"Key assignment" 	
"JIM -" 		
"JIM +" 	
"Player JUNG BO." 		
"Camera zoom - " 	
"Camera zoom +" 	
"View right" 		
"View left" 
"External view"        
"Camera angle \203" 
"Camera angle \202" 
"Windshield wiper"       
"Kick down"             
"First course"           
"SUDONG gear shift"
"Reverse gear"                
"GEAR up"                  
"JU CHA brake"                    
"Steering right"                
"Steering left"                 
"Again install"   
"This VGA adaptor can't support"      
"this display mode."         
"This VGA card does not support this mode"                
" more?er gen?end texture memory "                  
" DRIVER "                
" ' King OF The Road ' CD. "
"Press Num< + > to GOCHIGI"
"Press Num< + > to GI RUM"        
"MAL HAL DDE STOP!"         
"NO STOP? SHOT! "   
"-JIM STATION"         
"Press Num < + > / < - > to +/-"   
"Press Num < + > to +"                 
"Press Num < - > to -"                
"CHANG GO"                   
"JUNG BO"                   
"Engine start"                 
"Pager examine"              
"My HE SA"                   
"Server not found" 
"Connection error"             
" %.2fh.p. "                      
" %.2ft "                         
" %.2fm3 "                        
"Press num< + > to GO YONG"  
"Hey buddy, stop the vehicle immediately." 
"GI DA RYU..."                  
"Connecting.. Please wait "
"Wait for DA RUN NOM: "                
"Enter IP address or domain name"   
"of server side player"     
"Input please number Servers"     
" Recording "                          
" Play "                         
"Max steering angle"      
"High/Low beam"
" IT CREDIT $%d "                 
"You are"                      
"SI GAN CHO GWA"                      
"JA DONG %c"          
"SU DONG %c"            
"00 RpM"                      
"GI SA BA GGU GI"         
"Gear BUM WE"          
"Not ready"          
"FIRE BANG JI USED UP"       // 48 
"JA GYUK JUNG"                      
"BACK mirror"           
"Quick Save"      
"Quick Load"         
"CB radio"                       
"CAR PA NUN NOM"       
"DA RUN GI SA"        
"GI RUM UP DA"     
"The gew?schte Aufl?ung becomes now"     
"?ernommen. This is not m?lich, "   
" the Aufl?ung is set on 1024x768. "       // 40 
" Aufl?ung was ver?dert. "    
" Aufl?ung?ernehmen? " 
" Zur?ksetzen in %d sec. "                

/ * Tool tip * / 

"Cancel"                   // 60 
"Record video"     // 60  
"Single Player"        // 60     
"Control setup"                         // 60
"Multi Player"           // 60       
"Create a new driver"                     //60  
"Play demo"                             //60  
"Graphic setup"             // 60 
"Quit"                           //60  
"Start new game"                       // 60                     
"Load saved game"                   //60              
"Action mode"                      //60  
"Simulation mode"                      //60  
"Traffic : Less/More "            // 60 
"Day : Short/Long"                 // 60 
"Weather: Bad/Well "           // 60 
"Load saved game"           // 60
"Spielstand ausw?len"           // 60    
"Play as Client"               // 60 
"Play as server"               // 60 
"Vehicle select"             // 60 
"Vehicle select"             // 60 
"Change color"                // 60 
"Connection ausw?len"   // 60    
"Apply"                         // 60 
"Stored player ausw?len"                // 60  
"Enter a name"                 // 60  
"Delete selected driver"    // 60 
"Next Logo"                  // 60 
"Previous Logo"                        // 60 
"Next picture "                  // 60 
"Previous picture"                // 60 
"Automatic detect your VGA card"                 // 60 
"Previous VGA card"          // 60 
"Next VGA card"                  // 60 
"640x480"                        // 60 
"800x600"                        // 60 
"1024x768"                       // 60 
"1600x1200"                      // 60 
"Detail level : Simple/Complex"   // 60 
"Display option : Fast/Better"       // 60  
"Standard key mapping"       // 60   
"Previous controlset"        // 60 << 
"Next controlset"          // 60  >>
"Clicks for modifying"           // 60 
"Play selected film"                 // 60 
"Video record on/off"                // 60 
""                               // 60 
"Enter a name of record film"                // 60  
"Recording ausw?len "         // 60 
"Game Type"           // 60 
"Game Type"           // 60 
"Game Type"           // 60 
"Quit"                //60  

"Aborts"                      // 60 
"Quit multi-player mode"     // 60  
"Back"                   // 60  
" Please click, if all players are announced "       // 60 
" Aufl?ung?dern "               // 60 
" Aufl?ung ausw?len "            // 60 
" Aufl?ung maintain "          // 60 
" Aufl?ung on 1024x768 zur?kgesetzt "   // 60 

/ * Esc menu * / 
" Please click, if all players are ready "   //  60 
"Exit to the main menu"            // 60 
"SORI setup"                     //  60 
"Controler configures"             // 60 
"Call 119 repair service"             // 60  
"Save the game"                // 60  
"New start"          // 60      
"Quit the game"        // 60  
"Save and quit"                  // 60 
"Quit without save"              // 60    
"Cancel"               // 60  
"Save the game"                 // 60
"Enter a name"        // 60 
"Sensitivity of the steering wheel: less/more"            //   60 
"R?kstellkraft of the steering wheel: less/more"     // 60 
"Force feedback of effects of the steering wheel: less/more"     // 60 
"Automatic gear(If you wanna play with Manual gear, uncheck the box)"               // 60 
"",                               // reserved 
"SORI volume"       // 60 
"Music volume"        // 60 
"Engine sound volume"        // 60 
"Effects volume"      // 60 
"Save the change"                   // 60 
"DA RUN NOM CAR BA GGU GI"                // 60 
"HEA GO"          // 60 
"Ausgew?lten drivers adjust"                 // 60 


"Change radio frequency"     // 60 
"takes up radio contact"  // 60  
" captivates police around punishment "          // 60 
" captivates police to the protection before "    // 60 
" captivates police around competition "    // 60 
"Cancel"               // 60 
" protection cash at Mafia"     // 60  
" Mafia pay 60 around competition "      // 60 
" Fahzeug of the Mafia buy "   // 60 
" Gespr?h terminate "               // 60 
" Competitors captivate to leave the competition "    // 60 
" Competitors captivate to destroy the charge "       // 60 
" Gespr?h terminate "               // 60 
""                               // 60
"Ask for assistance with reparing vehicle"      // 60  
"Ask for purchasing vehicles"   // 60 
"Cancel"               // 60 
""                               // 60 
"Agree with contract for perchasing"                    // 60 
"Cancel"                 // 60 
"Bildsuchlauf"                   // 60 
"Bildsuchlauf"                   // 60 
"PLAY(Reverse)"          // 60 
"PLAY(Forward)"                 // 60 
"Pause"                          // 60 
"Next frame"           // 60 
"Previous frame"                // 60 
"REW to the start"              // 60 
"Switch off"                            // 60 


"Cargo optimized suspension"   // 60 
""                               // 
"Forced brake"   // 60  
""                               // 
"Engine brake"          // 60 
""                               // 
"Reinforced chassis"                // 60 
""                               // 
"Anti-bullets glass"         // 60 
""                               // 
"Reinforced headlight protection"    // 60 
""                               // 
"Forced Engine"   // 60 
""                               // 
"Oil addaptive"  // 60 
""                               // 
"Improved airfilter"       // 60 
""                               // 
"Highway tires"    // 60 
""                               // 
"Offroad tires"        // 60 
""                               // 
"BOJO fuel-tank"      // 60 
""                               // 
"Anti-lock Braking System"                    // 60 
""                               // 
"Radar warner"  // 60 
""                               // 
"Radarjammer(Anti-Speed radar)"        // 60 
""                               // 
"Cargo scanner"       // 60 
""                               // 
"Automatic fire control system"       // 60 
""                               // 
"Global Positioning System"                // 60 
""                               // 
"Horn"                  // 60  
""                               // 
"HAGI all upgrades"               // 60  
""                               // 
"Repair engine "                        // 60 
""                               // 
"Repair steering"              // 60 
""                               // 
"Repair transmissions"             // 60 
""                               // 
"Repair brakes"              // 60 
""                               // 
"Repair headlights"                 // 60 
""                               // 
"Repair body"                   // 60 
""                               // 
"Repair tire"                       // 60 
""                               // 
"Repairs all components"           // 60  
""                               // 
"Play with JEEP "             // 60 
"Play with ZILL "             / / 60 
"GI RUM MONEY"            //60  
"Fills up"                     // 60 
""                               // 60
"Fuel quantity"                        // 60 
"SU RI BI"             // 60  
"Stop and press Num< + > to repair or refuel"        // 64 
"Delete selected film"   // 60 
"Delete selected file"  // 60 
"Connection to the server interrupted " // 40 

ls up"                     // 60 
""                               // 60
"Fuel quantity"                        // 60 
"SU RI BI"             // 60  
"Stop and press Num< + > to repair or refuel"        // 64 
"Delete selected film"   // 60 
"Delete selected file"  // 60 
"Connection to the server interrupted " // 40