김규태2007/07/31 18:06:54조회수 97

2.00.13 - Logging Trailer

Hard Truck : Rig n Roll

2.00.13 - Logging Trailer

One may think that nothing very special is required to haul logs. A flatbed or even a regular drop-side semi-trailer, equipped with a vertical side braces to hold the load may be acceptable. The archaic notion of a logger is just that. Besides, such a semi-trailer is quite general-purpose and can be used not only for round lumber, but also for other long-length cargo, like pipes, rolled products, timber etc.
In real economy though, versatility often results in additional expenses. So the main feature of a modern logger is a lack of the platform to place the load on. The base of the design is a straight or drop frame, double or single, made of steel. The steel bolsters fixed onto the frame serve two purposes – the surface for the load and the side rests. As a result, the semi-trailer own weight is 20–25% lower than that of a conventional flatbed, and the cheap steel in place of light, but expensive aluminium reduces the cost. The semi-trailers with a platform are used when really necessary, to deliver cut timber or heavy long-length loads that cannot be loaded onto the frame.
The frame loggers are manufactured in two or multiple axle design, as a rule, with 4–6 bolsters. Modifications exist for long logs only, or for two or more packs of logs of moderate length. In a base version of a logger, no excesses are provided, but any manufacturer, by a customer order can equip the product with front fenders or a headboard, air suspension, aluminium alloy wheels, sliding or removable bolsters, on-board scales and other options.
The common logger semi-trailer parameters:
• length and width – 40' (53') x 96" (102")
• weight – 9500–12500 lbs
• payload – 80 thousand lbs

출처 : 링엔롤 공식사이트


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