서장원2005/08/18 21:38:30조회수 726

휘발유 계산기 - Fuel Control v1.0.2.0

Live for Speed

귀차니즘으로 인해 설명은 그냥 베껴 올립니다.
하지만 뭐 몇 번만 클릭해 보시면 설명도 필요 없을 듯...
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개개인의 운전 습관에 따라 연료 소모는 당연 차이가 나겠지요.
어디까지나 참고용... *^^*

* FuelControl, by Holger Reitner for Live For Speed S2 *


This software is provided \"as is\", without any guarantee made
as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use.
It is freeware and may contain bugs, so use of this tool is at
your own risk. I take no responsilbity for any damage that may
unintentionally be caused through its use.

You may not distribute this tool without the express written
permission of Holger Reitner (CrazyICE, Octrin.cr4zy!C3, cr4zy!C3 or cr4zyIC3).
For more information contact me crazyice@crazyice.net.


1.) What is FuelControl?
2.) Installation
3.) Short description: How to use FuelControl
4.) How to edit calculation values?

1.) What is FuelControl?

FuelControl is a helpful tool for calculation fuel consumption in LFS S2. You can define
the numbers of laps you are going to drive and shows you the amount of fuel you have to
set up in your car settings.

2.) Installation

Extract all files of the zip archive into an empty folder. Start FuelControl by double
clicking FuelControl.exe

3.) Short description: How to use FuelControl

In the main window there are different little buttons. Move the mouse
over any button to get a short description of its function.

First of all choose the track and the car you are going to use in the game. Then specify
the numbers of laps by increasing/decrasing the number in the filed \"Laps to do:\". You can
also type in the number or use Page Up/Page Down key to cahnge the value by 10.

Now you see the amount of fule you have to set up in your car settings. This is the value
\"Set fuel to:\". Besides this value you see how much liter this setting stands for.

You are able to edit the calculation values (laps driven with 10%, 50% and 100% of fuel).
To do so follow the instructions under \"4.) How to edit calculation values?\".

This was a short description on how to use FuelControl.
If you have some suggestions, need help or have any mod for FuelControl let me know be sending
an email to crazyice@crazyice.net.

4.) How to edit calculation values?

You are able to edit the values FuelControl uses to calculate the fuel consumption. Just click on
one of the edit buttons beside \"Laps per 10% fuel:\", \"Laps per 50% fuel:\" or \"Laps per 100% fuel:\".
Enter the number of laps you can drive with your driving style and car setting with 10% 50% and
100% fuel.
Click onto the OK button (green tick/hook) to change those values or click on the red x to cancel

This is a comfotable function to adjust the fuel consumption on your own needs.

But now have fun with FuelControl!

Holger \"cr4zy!C3\" Reitner


2011/09/17 17:28:11
휘발유 계산기라... 허허 멋지네요... 기름이 얼마나 들어가는지 알수있겠네요~
2005/10/12 3:12:56
감사합니다. 잘사용하겠습니다.^^
2005/08/19 2:02:26
오오 ... 이런 프로그램까지 나올줄이야!
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