임재영2005/06/10 10:05:13조회수 869


GTA : San Andreas

# San 설치된 폴더에 복사하여서 실행 하세요. 트레이너 실행후 \"launch\"
누르시면 게임 실행이 됩니다. (참고, 트레이너 먼저 실행하시고 플레이 하셔야 합니다. 안그러면 팅깁니다.)

# 게임 플레이후, F12 누르면 트레이너 메뉴가 게임플레이 화면에 안내가

複幡賽白幡 複白輹賽栢複 ? 複蔔賽賽賽白複複
百複白複複賞栢昉栢殯栢棚霜複蔔賽賽賽白複複 蔔?複蔔栢白複複 賽?
白朋꾼栢百 朋栢昉栢朋?璽複複複栢栢複複?白複蔔賽賽賽 蔔栢께栢鵬栢栢栢泗?
百昉栢栢諧 朋栢께百栢朋栢昉栢賽硼玄栢塞?複複複栢栢複複覆꾼百끓朋昉꾼魄?
?昉栢栢 께査栢栢百栢朋께꾼百께 蔔幡 梭栢栢꾼幡塞玹蔔幡玄栢塞께朋栢昉魄?
百昉栢栢殯査栢昉栢査?栢栢幡?蔔幡 끓栢께栢百諧 蔔幡硼賽賽?現査栢昉魄?
壁昉栢栢麝蔔栢꾼魄蔔壁塞께 梭栢塞諧께泗賽栢幡꿈蔔幡?꿀輹複栢幡賞栢昉??
百昉栢栢?賽幡賽梭꾼魄 께梭栢??蔔栢栢百艀殯蔔幡?꿈賽꿉賞百끓朋栢昉魄?
魄栢栢栢朋 霜否賞塞棚栢栢複複蔔昉栢栢璽蔔幡殯께査昉昉꾼査栢梭栢栢賽賽朋
?栢栢栢査 賞複輻複複複覆賽賽棚覆?蔔栢白複複栢꾼栢幡鵬賽幡棚複蔔賽賽
魄昉栢栢 ? 幡賽賽賽賽棚蔔複 棚覆塞賽硼棚覆梭査輹?賽賽賞?
幡査栢栢魄賽? 魄賞栢栢幡賞栢栢栢泗梭輹蔔栢複輹賞꾼栢꿇栢栢覆?
魄賽栢賽賽?? 賞朋꾼栢百玹栢栢꾼魄賞꾼栢鵬栢꾼泗꾼栢諧栢昉百?
賽??輻賽賽 百昉栢栢艀 朋栢昉꾼艀栢百꿇栢昉百昉栢魄栢꾼百?
賽賽 百昉栢栢艀끓栢栢昉百꾼栢艀朋栢꾼鵬賞栢蔔幡塞蔔
饗컴컴컴컴컴컴컴? 壁昉栢栢艀꿈栢栢昉百꾼栢艀炫栢꾼炫?賞幡秘賞?
[PiZZADOX] 魄昉栢栢 께査栢栢栢艀栢魄꿈栢栢魄梭栢賞栢輹賽?
饗컴컴컴컴컴컴컴? 蔔朋꾼栢魄꿈栢栢꾼百蔔栢白査栢꾼棚栢栢朋栢栢魄賞
賽賽白複幡賽? 霜複複複鵬幡賽炫
. .. p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s .. . 賞複蔔賽?
?? Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PLUS 20 TRAINER (C) PiZZADOX 윰*?
개 Release Date .....: 06-09-05 Disks .....: 01 x 5.00mb 낡
개 Release Type .....: Trainer Options ...: Plus 20 낡
읕냐컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴[ R e l e a s e N o t e s ]컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴냐?
개 Repack Info: 낡
개 낡
개 Unzip/Unrar trainer into your game directory, then start trainer with 낡
개 \"pztrain.exe\". Start the game using the launch button. During gameplay 낡
개 toggle trainer options by pressing the following key combinations: 낡
개 낡
개 Hotkey Option 낡
개 F6 Toggle Infinite Health 낡
개 F7 Toggle Infinite Armor 낡
개 F8 Toggle Infinite Ammo 낡
개 F9 Toggle Infinite Run 낡
개 F10 Toggle Infinite Breath 낡
개 F11 Increase Money 낡
개 3 No Wanted Level 낡
개 5 Max Wanted Level 낡
개 6 Toggle One Hit Kill 낡
개 7 Toggle Bulletproof Vehicles 낡
개 8 Toggle One Hit Exploding Vehicles 낡
개 9 Toggle Freeze Mission Timer 낡
개 0 Toggle Freeze Game Clock 낡
개 Shift+3 Get Maximum Muscle 낡
개 Shift+5 Get Maximum Stamina 낡
개 Shift+6 Toggle Max/Min Fat 낡
개 Shift+7 Get Maximum Respect 낡
개 Shift+8 Get Maximum Gambling Skill 낡
개 Shift+9 Get Hitman Level on All Weapons 낡
개 Shift+0 Get 100% Completion 낡
개 F12 Toggle In-Game Menu* 낡
개 낡
개 Notes: 낡
개 낡
개 Infinite Health: 낡
개 You will still die if your car gets blown up, and you can still get 낡
개 busted if a cop knocks you over. 낡
개 낡
개 No/Max Wanted Level: 낡
개 You may need to shoot a gun and/or press the hotkey twice for these 낡
개 to activate. 낡
개 낡
개 Bulletproof Vehicles: 낡
개 This affects all vehicles. Your vehicle will still get visibly 낡
개 damaged, ie. punctured tires/dents, but it will not explode unless 낡
개 it flips upside down. This overrides one hit exploding vehicles. 낡
개 낡
개 One Hit Exploding Vehicles: 낡
개 Any vehicle will explode in one hit, including yours! Useful for 낡
개 rampages :p. This overrides bulletproof vehicles. 낡
개 낡
개 Get Hitman Level on All Weapons: 낡
개 Maxes out your skill level on every gun, you can dual wield a few 낡
개 of them too. 낡
개 낡
개 Maximum Completion: 낡
개 This makes the game think you\'ve beaten it, you get a rhino and 낡
개 a jet at CJ\'s house. :D 낡
개 낡
개 In-Game Menu: 낡
개 You must place the trainer in the same directory as GTA_SA.exe and 낡
개 launch the game from the trainer for the in-game menu to work. It 낡
개 may not work on older video cards such as the geforce2mx, the 낡
개 trainer will still function normally without the menu though. 낡
개 낡
개 If you can not, or do not want to respect our wor


2005/06/10 17:50:19
되긴 되는데요.. 기존에 세이브했던게임을 하면 게임은 활성화되어 있으나 움직이가 않네요
2005/06/10 10:53:05
이거안되던데요?님 말대로 했는데 launch누르니깐 오류 나던데요?
개인정보처리방침Copyright 2021 Racers Club모바일 버전