이진혁2003/12/06 11:23:11조회수 1693

\"Cabela\'s 4x4 Offroad Adventure III Enhancement Pack\"

Cabelas 4x4 OffRoad Adventure3

We wish to thank our community for their feedback and support in making \"Cabela\'s 4x4 Offroad Adventure III\" one of the most accurate 4X4 driving games there is. Your dedication and our commitment to the title has created a much-awaited add-on which includes many improvements, new features, technical changes and some minor fixes which altogether add for a more challenging and longer gameplay experience.

This game is not about speed but intelligent driving and wise truck tuning. And when anything fails: use the winch!

Tip: In REVERSE with an automatic gearbox, the truck can sustain more torque for a longer time on a higher RPM, so use this to your advantage in those tricky situations, especially uphill ;)

New features and improvements:

- The trucks are now tuned for more torque and less acceleration and speed.

- Adaptive Power Steering (APS). The steering angle now depends on truck velocity. When it\'s lower the angle is larger and the covering velocity is higher while on high speeds he angle is smaller and covering velocity is lower. This greatly improves handling even for 1st time drivers.

- New automatic gearbox. The downshift now happens on higher RPMs and the declutching is quicker.

- Improved and more realistic rolling. The truck no longer \"sticks\" to the ground on high angles, leading to a more cautious driving style and more realistic situations.

- End-user editing capabilities! Our physics engine is computing all the truck physics in real-time taking under account a large number of parameters. Now we give access to this set of parameters to better suit custom playing characteristics. Everything, from ABS, ETC, HDC to suspension coefficients, rolling and gearbox ratios can be set for each truck in a single file: Cars.lua

대충..인스톨 시켜 보니깐 움직임이 더 사실적으로 변한것 같네요..

출렁~출렁 거려서 낭패지만^ ^;


2006/08/06 15:55:34
설치 잘만 되던데..왜 오류난다고 하시는건지 이유를 모르겟네...
2006/05/20 19:38:09
저도 에러나는데요..
2006/01/21 15:16:37
이거 깔았는데 어케 실행 해야 할지 모르겠는데 ??
2006/04/22 8:50:09
뉴스란에들어가서 다운받았는데 이거랑똑같이 에러나요 ㅜ.ㅜ 어떻게해야되나요?
2006/01/06 22:24:50
이거 까니까 시디넣으라는데 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
2005/04/10 9:20:07
뉴스란이 어디에있어요?
2005/11/15 16:37:09
잘만되는데용 ㅡㅡ;
2005/01/27 16:50:14
앙 이거 다운로드는 돼는데 압축풀기를 어케 해야할지 머르겠어요
이게임 하고싶음 도와 주세요 빵집에서 파일여러개가 뜨더니 압축을 풀어도 어케 해야 할지 모르겟음!~
2003/12/10 21:19:57
처음에 깔리는댕 이런오류가 뜨는댕 외그러는지 알려주세요. Cabela\'s 4x4 off-road Adventure 3 is net installedlnstall Cabela\'s 4x4 off-road Adventure 3 first,Setup will net exit.이오류 뜨길래 확인 클릭하니까 또 이런 오류가 뜨는대 Cabela\'s 4x4 off-road Adventure 3 Enhancement Pack successfully installed 그러고 또 확인클릭하니까 안깔려요 외그런지 알려주세요.
2004/01/14 10:44:05
님 카벨라 하구 시퍼여 다시 올려 주시면 안되여??
2004/08/16 11:39:50
이거 오류가 걸리네요..왜 그러지?? 저두 김기일님 처럼 저렇게 네모난 창 뜨면서 저렇게 나와요..어떻게 해야되죠??그리고 카벨라 어디서 다운 받아야 되요??가르쳐 주세요.
2003/12/06 22:38:43
저도 그 메세지가 떴는데...아마 yes인가? 암튼 메시지 클릭하면 진행이 되더라구요..

만약에 안된다면 제가 뉴스란에 올렸거든요... 거기 소스에 링크해놨어요^ ^; 소스 클릭하시면

다운로드 가능합니다.
2003/12/06 21:22:26
이거 압축풀고 깔려고 했는딩 어떤오류 뜨던댕.. Cabelas 4x4 OffRoad Adventure3.. 뭐라고 뜨거든요. 님이 뭐를 잘못 다운받으셧나 본대용 다시 올려주시면 안되요? 제발 부탁입니다. 그럼 좋은 하루되세요.
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